

Memories Abandoned: Computer Room, 2009
Photograph © Lanola Kathleen Stone

Memories Abandoned, 2009
Photograph © Lanola Kathleen Stone

LANOLA KATHLEEN STONE is a New York City-based professional photographer, artist, author, and educator. Her commercial clients seek her out to photograph interiors, portraits, and lifestyle, although she is mostly known for her aptitude with children and childhood imagery.

"Memories Abandoned is a series of images of my now abandoned childhood home in Utah - portraits of my childhood experiences in the self same location with genuine artifacts of the experiences portrayed. Themes explored are the impermanence of time, the deterioration of memory and space, inevitability of change and through it all, resilience and the ability to move and exist beyond our surroundings. The project was partially funded by a cash award from the School of Visual Arts Office of Alumni Affairs, exhibited at Aqua Art/Art Basel Miami and featured in CMYK Magazine's 2010 Top 100 New Creatives Award, Issue 46."

Photographing Childhood: The Image and the Memory
By Lanola Kathleen Stone, Focal Press, 2011

KATRIN EISMANN chose Stone's new book as one of 2011's Best Photography Books: "Photographing Childhood: The Image and the Memory (Focal Press, 2011) by LaNola Kathleen Stone is thoughtful, inspiring, and unexpected. The book features an historical homage; an insightful timeline of childhood; useful information on lighting and image management; and most importantly highlights a wide variety of contemporary photographers and photographic approaches to frame and focus on the fleeting moments of childhood. Smart, beautiful and poignant!"

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Katrin Eismann is Co-Founder and Chair of the Masters of Professional Studies in Digital Photography at The School of Visual Arts; and author of Photoshop Restoration & Retouching and Photoshop Masking & Compositing, and co-author of The Creative Digital Darkroom and Real World Digital Photography. Visit her website PhotoShopDiva.com

Least Likely to be Adopted
Photograph © Lanola Kathleen Stone

Least Likely to be Adopted
Photograph © Lanola Kathleen Stone

I shot these images at the dog pound. They were, without exception, scared and cowering when they came on the set, but every so often they'd show their courage and care - who they truly were and could be with a little love –Lanola Kathleen Stone

"The concept was to make “fashionesque images” of the oldest in residence at the Dog Pound near my home (East 110th Street Animal Shelter, NYC). I asked for the dogs that were the “least likely to be adopted” and took their portraits to represent them with personality, youth and “edge” in order to aid their adoption. They were featured in PDNedu's Photo Annual & CMYK Aspiring Creatives Issue. 12 out of the 13 dogs I photographed were adopted."


  1. Love urf blog....




  2. those two works you choose for starting this post are fantastic.
    well, they all are.

  3. Love the freeform dog portraits.


Content Copyright (c) Elizabeth Avedon 2021