
SVA PHOTOGRAPHY: Student Images | Part I Documentaries

Photograph © Xizi Wang
Photograph © Xizi Wang

by Xizi Wang
"These photographs were taken when I interned for a Beijing newspaper. The case was about a Thai restaurant arrears for the cook's salaries for almost for two years, and the law officers who had the authorization to enforce closing this restaurant’s office. In the photograph at top, the law officer showed the Thai restaurant manager the enforcement order to close and she reacted really aggressively. In the second image, the Thai restaurant manager is surrounded by photographers from different newspapers and local TV stations."

Photograph © Zoha Babazadeh 
An ancient gateway into the Grand Bazaar

Photograph © Zoha Babazadeh

by Zoha Babazadeh
"The Grand Bazaar is a historical market situated in the capital of Iran, Tehran. Throughout history, the Grand Bazaar has played host to banks and financiers, mosques and guest houses. Traditionally, the Tehran bazaar was split into corridors, each specializing in different types of goods, including copper, carpets, paper, spices, as well as traders selling all types of goods."
V I E W  V I M E O

NEW YORK COMIC CON by Mary Wienckowski
"I have been going to comic, anime and video game conventions since I was fifteen. Since then it became as integral to my annual schedule as any other major holiday. But like anything that becomes condemned to routine, there is a risk of something once considered wondrous becoming monotonous." Vimeo link

V I E W  F I L M

"Behind the scenes of three of my recent shoots of models posing with movement. I’ve had a special connection to these models from both the aesthetic of their look and the way we work together. With the use of video, the audience is brought into an experience that goes beyond the still photograph." Vimeo link
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Inspired by a talk given to my sophomore BFA Photography students at the School of Visual Arts by James Estrin, Co-Editor of the NY Times Lens Blog, I gave an assignment to create a documentary or editorial blogpost through slides or video. Above, Part I,  is an excerpt of the excellent work the students turned in after Hurricane Sandy. 

Part II [LINK here], is an excerpt of the work of the students who focused on Hurricane Sandy. We knew a storm was heading towards New York, but no one had any idea Hurricane Sandy would black-out downtown Manhattan where many of the students dorms are located and schools would be closed for a couple of weeks.

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