
STAR GATES: Astrology, Symbolism, and the Synchronistic Universe

Vincent Price © Ray Grasse (Taken when he was 13)
"I had heard Price would be presiding over the opening of a new art show at the Prudential building in Chicago at the time, and my father drove me down there to attend. On arriving, I saw Price standing amongst the paintings, seemingly eight-feet tall. I walked up and nervously said, "Mr. Price?" After blinding him with flashbulbs at close range, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small photo I received from his fan club months earlier (shown here), and asked if he'd autograph it. The contrast between his appearance in the old picture and how he looked in front of me was frankly dramatic. I struggled to make some conversation; having no idea at all how rude it really was, I asked him, “Umm, when was this photo taken?” Rather than be offended, his response was extremely gracious. Leaning over, he smiled and said, with that trademark swooping voice of his, "Oh, well, you know, when photos are so small like that, they make you look so much younger." It took me years to appreciate how witty that response was." – Ray Grasse  

November 10, 2020 4:59PM © Ray Grasse

November 10, 2020 7:01PM © Ray Grasse

I'm deep into my friend, photographer and professional astrologer, Ray Grasse' new book of essays, "STARGATES : Essays on Astrology, Symbolism, and the Synchronistic Universe." An excerpt from the Chapter 'Musings on Music, Magic and Astrology', "Both of those arts – music and magic – employ intricately arranged elements that act on the unconscious in ways the rational mind can't truly fathom. . . . It has nothing at all to do with logic, and instead operates deep down in subterranean caverns of the psyche, far below the brightly lit plateaus of consciousness and rationality...."

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"He tackled questions astrologers often skim around or barely even dare to doubt. In the Chapter on "The Challenge of Scorpio: Anger, Power and Transformation" I found a way to heal an old wound of anger and resentment I was blindly carrying...deep insight can be truly de-toxifying! Treat yourself to something special--this book is worth the read. – Astrologer Elizabeth Spring
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STARGATES is a wide-ranging collection of essays on the art and science of astrology, exploring both the practical and philosophical aspects of the ancient discipline. Among the subjects discussed are the Great Ages, the astrology of anomalies, the United States’ “Pluto return,” relationships and the 7th house, synchronicity and astrology, fate versus free will, traditional versus modern astrology, the search for Planet X, the highest planet in the horoscope, the theory of correspondences, and many more.

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Ray Grasse is an internationally-recognized astrologer, and author of books including The Waking Dream, Signs of the Times, Under a Sacred Sky, An Infinity f Gods, and Urban Mystic. He worked on the editorial staffs of Quest Magazine and Quest Books for ten years, and has been associate editor of The Mountain Astrologer for 20 years . . . and he is also an accomplished photographer.



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