
SNAPSHOTS: Gallery Night Out

A Tooth For An Eye: A Chorography of Violence in Orleans Parish
Photo Journals

Vince Aletti and Deborah Luster

A Tooth For An Eye: A Chorography of Violence in Orleans Parish

Artist Reception | Who Was There: Charles Ledray, Matt Weiland, Vince Aletti, Eileen and Michael Cohen, Robin Cembalest, Alexandra Anderson Spivy and Jock Spivy, Kevin Messina and Jim Brown, Charles Griffin, Merry Foresta and Andy Grundberg

4:02 PM, J Train, from Dark Day series


Artist Reception | Who Was There: Gretchen Mol, Nicholas Stern, Richard Mauro, Joel Sternfeld, Robert Polidori, Tod Williams & Billy Tsien, Kip Williams, Doug Liman, Richard Maltby, Diane Tuft, Shaun Mader

1 comment:

Scott Waterman said...

That round format looks so good. I guess the time is right for round.