
NYPD: Seek Help To ID Photos

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The NYPD released 215 photographs of women taken in the 1970's by a convicted serial killer now on Death Row in California. The photographer, who studied film under Roman Polanski, had over a 1,000 pictures in a storage locker when he was arrested. Releasing the photographs may help crack several cold cases.

"They should be in every newspaper, on TV and on the Internet," said Sheila Weller, a cousin of one of his victims. View Photos Here.


Kreddible Trout said...

wow. that's fascinating and tremendously creepy. is there a link to more of the story?

blog said...

NYPD in RED is a link to the story.

Kristin H said...

Wow! Is what popped in to my head as well!

d. moll, l.ac. said...

wow, creepy and real....

P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

thank you for getting this out, as it has been said- creepy. Wonder what Warhol would have made of this? Something surely. pgt

Caio Fern said...

wow , i can't believe this .... so sad .

Susan May Tell said...

From what I've read the families appreciate the photos being out here. Thanks for posting.