from the series Juvenile Prison Sweat Lodge, 2005
8″x10″ color, archival inkjet print. Not editioned. Signed, $50

Untitled #1 (Girl with statue), from the series Captured Youth
8x10 on a 10x12 heavyweight archival paper, $300
Special Edition of 4. Signed, $300

Untitled #2 (Boy in green), from the series Captured Youth
8x10 on a 10x12 heavyweight archival paper, $300
Special Edition of 4. Signed, $300

Prison Guard Watches from the Levee, Angola Prison, 2007
from her series Grace Before Dying
12″ X 24″ B&W, archival pigment print.
Edition: #2 of an edition of 15. Signed, $400

A Hand to Hold, 2008, from the series Trapped
11x14. B&W, archival matte. Edition #2 of an edition of 25. Signed, $600

Sunset Behind Bars, 2008, from the series Served Out
14x11" B&W, archival pigment print on matte paper
Edition #1 of an edition of 25. Signed, $500
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I was honored to be the inaugural Interview by Pete Brook for Wired Raw File's new series, Raw Meet, published six days ago. I first met Pete at the Rubin Museum in New York and over scribbled notes, we became friends.
Pete Brook is from Lancashire, England, now settled in Seattle, Washington. He's a freelance writer, lead-blogger for Wired Magazines Raw File, and author/editor of his own Prison Photography blog. This year Prison Photography was listed as one of the 10 Best Photoblogs by the British Journal of Photography and LIFE.com recognized it with a Best Photo Blog Award.
Pete Brook is from Lancashire, England, now settled in Seattle, Washington. He's a freelance writer, lead-blogger for Wired Magazines Raw File, and author/editor of his own Prison Photography blog. This year Prison Photography was listed as one of the 10 Best Photoblogs by the British Journal of Photography and LIFE.com recognized it with a Best Photo Blog Award.
And now, Pete Brook needs our help funding his time-sensitive Kickstarter project, Prison Photography' on the Road: Stories Behind the Photos, "a 12-week road-trip across America meeting many of the leading photographers who, in the past 40 years, have documented the rise of the U.S. prison industrial complex. He'll also be speaking with some of the leading practitioners in prison arts, prison education and advocacy." Here is a complete list of the over 40 photographers to be interviewed including Danny Lyon, Deborah Luster and Lori Waselchuk, among others.
Buy a Print • Pledge $10 up to $1,000
INCENTIVES: This Kickstarter is a little different to others as Pete secured many generous and talented photographers as collaborators who’ve put forth prints to help him raise money. In that there’s only one item for each of the incentive levels above $200, the thing operates like a “buy now”-priced auction. The incentives at $10, $20, $50, $75 and $125 are self-explanatory.
On his Kickstarter page, the prints available are between $200 and $1,000. Every supporter who buys a print more than $200 in value also gets a postcard, mix-tape and self-published photobook Prison Photography in the Era of Mass Incarceration (56 pages). ALL who donate – at any level – become official supporters and have their names listed on his website and in the acknowledgements of the self-published book.
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"This is a journalism project, the product of which is the approximately 40 interviews I will conduct. They’ll be made available, via Creative Commons license, to any and all in the photo and prison reform communities. In addition, my writings will be free to distribute with attribution to interested parties." – Pete Brook, 'Prison Photography' on the Road
LA to NY: New Orleans, NM, TX, CO, AZ, MA, WI, UT, WY...X's mark some of the over 40 stops Pete Brook will make across 8,000 miles of America "to conduct interviews with the most creative, unique and celebrated Photographers who, through their work in prisons, have shaped America's visual culture and the debate on U.S. criminal justice." – KICKSTARTER Prison Photography' on the Road: Stories Behind the Photos
Back This Project • Pledge $10 up to $1,000