
WiNK MaGAZINE SiX: Interview

Natalie Lloyd Interview's Me about
the Future of Printed Books and Photographs.
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I originally designed the Blurb book, "My Brother's War" for photographer Jessica Hines, for Hines to take to a Portfolio Review. The intent behind creating the work into book form, was to help show viewers how to look at what Jessica was trying to achieve with this work in the short time they are allotted during a Review session. Hines went on to win the Grand Prize for the Lens Culture International Exposure Awards 2010 for this series, as well as many other awards and exhibitions of this work (and the "book" gained recognition).

Francesco Clemente's pastel, "She and She, 1982" from An Interview With Francesco Clemente. Elizabeth Avedon Editions/Vintage Contemporary Artist Series (Random House)

Paul Kopeikin, owner of L.A.'s, Kopeikin Gallery, said to me, "There is a new generation who having grown up with the internet feel they have "seen" photographs when they have only seen them online. As someone who believes in the beauty of the object, I know that art on a computer is only a reproduction, not the art itself, and often a poor reproduction at that. I remind my clients every time I send them a jpeg that it is only a reproduction, and that the actual work of art is so much better."

WiNK Magazine 6

In Hans Neleman's WiNK 6: Natalie Lloyd Interview's Me about the Future of Printed Books and Photographs. The Issue includes Gabriela Herman's Bloggers, Ruben Natal San-Miguel writes "From Prada To Nada", Sara Stathas on "Santa Fe Photographic Workshops", Ted Sabarese on Ted Sabarese and more...Subscribe for Free


Bruce Barone said...


Helps me to get it, the book, done!!!

Thank You.

Caio Fern said...

very good article
........and the entire issue of Wink is beautiful.

Ann said...

absolutely fabulous!

Meera Rao said...

Really Neat!!!

JL Cancio said...

¡Very good!

Thérèse said...

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to read you... and give us some valuable informations to think about over and over.

Christopher Paquette said...
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Christopher Paquette said...

This is excellent Elizabeth! I especially love the comparison to "real" art vs. that which is seen on the internet (or even cheaply printed books for that matter). I had that realization hit me full force when I saw Steichen's prints recently at the Metropolitan Museum. I was astounded by the fact that I had never actually "seen" Steichen's work until that day, even though I thought I had.