Flak Photo | Photography Online | Weekend Series:
"Flak Photo's December Weekend series featured work from Richard Barnes' ANIMAL LOGIC. As part of the project, book designer Elizabeth Avedon Interviewed Barnes in her blog."
"I love the Interview with Richard Barnes...it really broadens an appreciation for the work and gives a real sense about its significance for the artist himself."– Photographer Lisa M. Robinson
And if you missed it: An Interview With Richard Barnes
Elizabeth, what a wonderful interview and thank you for introducing me to Richard Barnes and his amazing work. My husband was also enthralled by your interview and Richard Barnes work. Ordered his book and it is on its way. Also, can't tell you how much I love your blog. All the best!
Forgot to mention that I shared this on my Facebook Dallas Arts Salon Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/DallasArts and via Twitter.
are Azure
thanks for your visit!
I reciprocated with joy!
your photos are beautiful!
Congratulations and good 2010
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