
REVIEW 2010: ASMP-NY Portfolio Review

New York Photo Awards: Fine Art Single Image, Honorable Mention
Photograph (c) Anna Moller/All Rights Reserved

The Innocent. Casualties of the Civil War in Northern Uganda (book)
Photograph (c) Heather McClintock/All Rights Reserved

Photograph (c) Metin Oner/All Rights Reserved

The Gender Frontier (book)
Photograph (c) Mariette Pathy Allen/All Rights Reserved

Tribal Bhil Families at the Bathing Ghats at Baneshwar Mela
Photograph (c) Terri Gold/All Rights Reserved

Photographer Lynn Goldsmith, former ASMPNY President Stephen Mallon, with Fine Art Consultant Mary Virginia Swanson

Photographer Heather McClintock, with Reviewer Mary Virginia Swanson and a Board Member

Publish Your Photography Book, Princeton Architectural Press, Fall 2010

Review 2010 Organizers, Photographers Stephen Mallon and Susan May Tell

My experience at the American Society of Media Photographers / New York REVIEW 2010: Fine Art Portfolio Review was excellent. It was a great platform for photographers to network with over 40 Reviewers that included industry insiders such as Fine Art Consultant Mary Virginia Swanson, Editors from PDN (Photo District News), Gallery Owners, Director's, Curator's and Photo Agents. I was impressed with the high level of work and creative presentations. I came away with many photographers to keep in contact with and profile here in the future. There were also a couple of very successful professionals there to show their new work (Lynn Goldsmith!!!), as well as a few first time students. Thank you to all the photographers:

(Blogspot is acting crazy and insists on making these names GIGANTIC...check out their links anyway)

Lynn Goldsmith, Heather McClintock, Manjari Sharma, Mariette Pathy Allen, Terri Gold, Sheri Lynn Behr, Joseph Squillante, Peter Braune, Peter Riesett, Andrew Prokos, Barbara Beeman, Jason Gardner, Peter Riesett, Melissa Lynn, Robert Hooman, Teresa Kruszewski, Raymond Adams, Meton Oner, Amy Lombard, Anna Moller, Dolly Faibyshev and Tom Donley

And thank you to ASMPNY's former President, Stephen Mallon and ASMPNY Fine Art Chair, Susan May Tell, for including me! A lot of great people from ASMP/NY worked to produce this event, Calumet Photo hosted the space and WagMag donated Pernod for the after party!


Susan May Tell said...

Thank you Elizabeth!!!!!! We loved having you.

Ange said...

Sounds like you had a great time. Even more so because of the gigantic type ;-)

LizBlog said...

Ange, I did have a great time and maybe a little Pernod also, but I don't mean the giant font size to be screaming about it! Just Blogspot being weird today!

P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

Yes, it has a mind of its own sometime. The images you have are all composed so very classically and in about 20 minutes I could pair them up with several paintings (that is not a challenge to do so-) Just saying they are right gorgeous- Yes.

Joseph Anderson Mondello said...

You have been very generous of late to ASMP NY with your time and talent, Elizabeth, and even plain ol' rank and file members like me know it and appreciate it.

I am sorry I didn't get to show you my work, but I also found the event stimulating, rewarding and one of the best membership perks ever!

Caio Fern said...

so good the way you arranged the 2 first together , even the sunshines on the flor ....
and what is that "tribal Bhil families..." this is so fantastic , i do want to know more about Terri Gold's work .

Margaret McCarthy said...

Elizabeth, we so appreciate the ways you have supported and encouraged us at ASMP NY with your time and talent -
thank you for helping to make the portfolio review the dynamic and energizing evening that it was.
I did not get to share work with you, but sincerely hope there will be another chance.
Margaret McCarthy

Bruce Barone said...

Great post!

It helps me to know you better. I love the spirit that shines through; the positivity.

It also makes me want to re-open my gallery, which was devoted to young women photographers.

And it makes me wish I was able to come and share a few portfolios of my images.

Looks like lots of inspiring and new work.

I hope to get to know many of these people better and be further inspired.

The Anna Moller image you show is great and I am reminded of the photos of Melissa Pinney http://www.melissaannpinney.com/

Thanks, Elizabeth!

Kristin H said...

The second one is especially glorious!

José Ramón said...

It has a very interesting blog.

Greetings from creativity and imagination photos of José Ramón

Caio Fern said...

i had left a comment here !! i loved this post ! the first 2 photos together and the terril gold.........
did i say something wrong again ?