Boise State Fair Photograph (c) Marco Castro /All Rights Reserved
"Photographers Helping Haiti" print sale March 4-7, 2010
"Photographers Helping Haiti" print sale March 4-7, 2010
MARCH 5-7: The VERGE ART FAIR / ASMPNY Booth. Over 100 prints donated by American Society of Media Photographers of New York to benefit Haiti. Each print is on sale for $100 each, with 100% going to Doctors Without Borders. Fri & Sat March 5-6 from 2-8 pm, Sun March 7 from 12-6 pm, The Dylan Hotel, 52 East 41, NYC. 100 prints @ $100.=$10,000 for Doctors Without Borders.
Nils Peder and Reindeer/Sami, The People
Photograph (c) Erika Larsen/All Rights Reserved
"31 Women In Art Photography" March 6 – April 10, 2010
Photograph (c) Erika Larsen/All Rights Reserved
"31 Women In Art Photography" March 6 – April 10, 2010
MARCH 6 : 31 WOMEN IN ART PHOTOGRAPHY: Humble Arts Foundation is celebrating 31 of the most innovative women in new art photography, curated by Charlotte Cotton and Jon Feinstein. The exhibition opens Sat March 6. Gallery hours: Tues–Fri, 10:00 –6:00 and Sat 11:00 –5:00. Affirmation Arts, 523 West 37th Street NYC
MARCH 6: DARIUS HIMES (Founding Editor of Radius Books) & PAULA McCARTNEY discuss her work Bird Watching at KLOMPCHING GALLERY , 1 -2 pm, 111 Front St Brooklyn NY+
MARCH 4-7: THE ARMORY SHOW: Leading Fine Art Fair devoted to art of 20th and 21st centuries. Artists, galleries, collectors, critics and curators come from all over the world for the Armory Arts Week. Pier 92 and 94, 12th Avenue & West 55th St NYC
MARCH 4-7: PULSE ART FAIR: Contemporary Art Fair. Fri & Sat March 5 - 6, 12 to 8, Sun March 7 , 12 to 5. PULSE NY, 330 West St @ West Houston NYCMARCH 5-7: VERGE ART FAIR: Emerging Art, coinciding with The Armory Show. Fri & Sat March 5 - 6, 12 to 8, Sun March 7 , 12 to 6. The Dylan Hotel, 52 East 41, NYC
Also: KlompChing Gallery in Dumbo to see Paula McCartney's exhibition Bird Watching, ClampArt Gallery to see a great photography exhibition The Museum Of Unnatural History, Broadway Gallery to see Heungman's Photographs 90 Fengxian Road (Shanghai)
reat pictures, allways nice to look at this fantastic blog ! hugh Kathrin
a post like that is an exellent idea !!
The picture is so magnificent of the fair celebrations in Haiti. The picture is taken of the ride where people are enjoying themselves in rides and are much cheerful and happy.
Google Image problems.
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