
ANDY LEVIN: Catastrophe in the Gulf

Photograph (c) Andy Levin/All Rights Reserved

Photograph (c) Andy Levin/All Rights Reserved

Photograph (c) Andy Levin/All Rights Reserved

Photograph (c) Andy Levin/All Rights Reserved

Catastrophe in the Gulf: The Hot Zone
Photographs by Andy Levin

A former Contributing Photographer with Life Magazine, Andy Levin began his career as a staff photographer for the Black Star agency in 1985, where he completed contract assignments for magazines including National Geographic, Time, Newsweek, and Fortune. In 1983 Levin’s photo essay for Life won first place in the prestigious National Press Photographers Association Contest. His personal black and white work on Coney Island has been published in both Reportage and Graphis as well as both Life and Popular Photography. A participant in over fifteen Day in the Life book projects, A Day in the Life of America brought him to New Orleans where he photographed the Charity Hospital Emergency Room. In 2004 Levin moved to Big Easy to document and participate its rich culture.

Just a year later the city was decimated by Hurricane Katrina which Levin photographed while helping his neighbors to safety. Levin’s post Katrina work has been published in the New York Times, Newsweek, US News, GQ, Rolling Stone, USN&WR and People Magazines and Time Magazine. In 2007 he was a finalist for the Eugene Smith Grant for a project entitled “World By the Water” documenting areas of the world that are on the front-lines of global climactic change. – Lightstalkers


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great photographs. It is hard to imagine so much damage from a hole in the ocean floor about a foot or two in diameter.

Caio Fern said...

thanks for talking about him.

oh my.........these photos.beautiful even coming fron a horrible death and sadness .

Anonymous said...

Devastation- the photos say it all.

-K- said...

As much as I believe in the power of photography, I simply can't look at these or any other photographs about what's happening now - right now - in the Gulf.

To me this is almost as awful as September 11. (And I don't mean to disrepect the thousands that died there.)

Meera Rao said...

These photographs are so powerful and beautiful in a strange eerie and very sad way. Thank you for introducing all the talented artists in your blog.

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

These are powerful photographs ...and so painful to view. Where will this diseased murder of our oceans end? He is documenting the pain in the destruction. Thank you for this introduction to an empathetic artist. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Kelly M. said...

beauty in horror, visual evidence of the death of a world. when will we humans ever learn? it is good that you posted this, Elizabeth. thank you.

JL Cancio said...

Poderosas fotografías.
buen post