

Snowday, 2010
© Julie Blackmon

Sharpie, 2011
Photograph © Julie Blackmon

Night Movie, 2011
Photograph © Julie Blackmon

Airstream, 2011
Photograph © Julie Blackmon

The Dutch proverb "a Jan Steen household" originated in the 17th century and is used today to refer to a home in disarray, full of rowdy children and boisterous family gatherings.
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JULIE BLACKMON is the oldest of nine children and now the mother of three. Her photographs have been honored with numerous awards since she began exhibiting, including American Photo Emerging Artists 2008, first prize from CENTER/Santa Fe Center for Photography Project Competition, and PDN's 30, among many others.

DOMESTIC VACATIONS: "The paintings of Steen, along with those of other Dutch and Flemish genre painters, helped inspire this body of work. As Steen’s personal narratives of family life depicted nearly 400 yrs. ago, the conflation of art and life is an area I have explored in photographing the everyday life of my family and the lives of my sisters and their families at home. These images are both fictional and auto-biographical, and reflect not only our lives today and as children growing up in a large family, but also move beyond the documentary to explore the fantastic elements of our everyday lives, both imagined and real...read more

Julie Blackmon's Domestic Vacations
New Work at Photo-eye Gallery


Meera Rao said...

very interesting!
Season's greetings and a wishes for a wonderful2012

Unknown said...


Happy holidays!

Caio Fern said...

these works are really wonderful, I don't get tired to llok at then.

Dmitry Voevodin said...

В эти святые дни Рождества Христова, хочу поздравить вас с праздником. В этот день Христос пришел, чтобы спасти наш Мир от Тьмы.
Желаю вам, чтобы светлый праздник вам подарил тепло, и уют в ваш дом, здоровья вам и вашим близким.
С Рождеством Христовым и с Новым годом.
Воеводин Дмитрий.

elizabeth avedon said...

as best as i can tell, the above says "Hello In this holy season of Christmas, I want to congratulate you on this holiday. On this day Christ came to save our world from the darkness.
I wish you to light holiday you gave warmth and coziness to your home, health to you and your loved ones.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Voevodin, Dmitry."