
JAPAN | AFTER THE WATER RECEDED: Photographs by Magdalena Solé + Artist Portraits by Naoto Nakagawa

After the Water Receded: Images from Japan
Photograph (c) Magdalena

After the Water Receded: Images from Japan
Photograph (c) Magdalena Solé

After the Water Receded: Images from Japan
Photographs (c) Magdalena Solé

Hanging the show with
Gallery Director Sandra Kraskin and Photographer
Magdalena Solé

After the Water Receded: Images from Japan
"1,000 Portraits of Hope" by Naoto Nakagawa

Photographs by Magdalena Solé and
Portraits by Naoto Nakagawa

Curators: Elizabeth Avedon and Sandra Kraskin

April 20 – May 18, 2012
Sidney Mishkin Gallery
135 East 22nd Street, New York
(646) 660-6652

"After the Water Receded documents and commemorates the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown which struck northern Japan March 11, 2011. Artist Naoto Nakagawa exhibits 1,000 Portraits of Hope; drawings of survivors, and Magdalena Solé exhibits color photographs taken after the disasters, some within the 12-mile radius around the nuclear power plant. Together, the work of these two artists forms a visual narrative that provides some of the untold stories of this disaster and the rebuilding of Fukushima prefecture."
+ + +

New Book by Magdalena So

New Delta Rising
University Press of Mississippi 2012)


Susan May Tell said...

Wonderful photographs!!!!! Intriguing portraits!

Adriano said...

Olá Elizabeth!

Suas fotos são bem realistas!

mostrando a realidade!

Uma Nação desolada por uma

catástrofe, mais um Povo forte

que se levantam de uma grande


Saúdações do Brasil!


Meera Rao said...

Magdalena Sole's photographs are hauntingly beautiful --I checked out his web site and other projects too. Thanks for sharing this! And impressive 1000 portraits of hope by Kakagawa !

Olli said...


fascinating Photos, but also to think about. But it is good to see that there is hope. :-)

Many Greetings
Oliver (ovo)