The festival is ongoing, but the party is over
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SUSANA RAAB is a documentary and editorial photographer who "creates warm, and often quirky images of people and places, familiar and strange. She approaches subjects with a generous spirit and sense of humor. She's received wide recognition for her work including the IPA/Lucie Awards, Light Awards, American Photography24, Photo District News, The Camera Club of New York, PhotoEspana, The White House News Photographer's Association, The Ernst Haas/Golden Light Awards, PhotoLucinda's Critical Mass, and the DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities."
Love that you included a pic from my home state (the multiple Col. Sanders)!
Your blog is a wonderful resource of inspiration!
These photos are great, I can't wait to check out Ms. Raab's site.
beautiful pictures ... BESO <3
(kiss :)
Love all those pics!! Made me smile!!
Aww the multiple Col. Sanders image is priceless.
Interesantes fotografias y el que Supermán tenga que hacer pipí, muy humana, saludos.-
Nice choice,humour is the best!Specially the last one I like! :O)
Kind regards!
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